X o R y A n o X
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Who's XoRyAnOx?
I'm a guy who's been gaming since he was 6 years old. I don't know what the first controller handed to me was... Nintendo (NES) or Atari. But I do know it sparked an instant love. One thing was certain this was for me. I've played on nearly every single console. I own NES/SNES/N64/GAMECUBE/WII/SWITCH | COLECOVISION | SEGA/SEGA CD/SEGA SATURN | PS1/2/3/4 | XBOX360/ONE/X/Series X | Oculus Rift S | PC (AMD 5800x/6800xt). At one point also 3DO... Yea look that one up. I'm a full-time exterior remodeler and carry a part time job fixing iPhone and Galaxies (weekends). Give me a like and a follow. I'm a very friendly guy and I don't discriminate the teammates I'm paired with. Add me! But make sure to give a Follow/Subscribe first! Check out my YOUTUBE and Facebook Gamer Page to do so. You've watched popular gamers, now support a nobody carrying the experience.
The girl in the photo is who's in most of my videos. My girlfriend Savannah aka Boner Garage